…you stare wistfully into the camera, all the while looking quite gorgeous and edible.
Or you wait for daddy to come home from work, don’t allow him to change, demand a little walk across the room. Before resting, and staring at the camera wistfully again.
Or you show off your DELICIOUS dimples and big blue eyes. A little bit of dribble on the chin, but we can forgive that.
Maybe you just want to chill out on that fluffy rug, looking up at me, discovering how tasty those fingers really are.
Oh my god, and those toes. The toes are also delectable.
Daddy is interesting, yes he’s fun, but come on. My toes! My toes are INCREDIBLE.
Yes sir. This boy is a handsome chap. But he always gives me the feeling, looking so intently, that he is sizing me up, thinking about what is within grabbing distance. For to grab is to chew.
Outside in the park, surrounded by late afternoon light, dappled leaves, and a mum and dad who find you constantly hilarious, you are a worthy centre of attention.
Don’t give me that face. I know you’re gorgeous. You know you’re gorgeous.
See? Crack out the dimples, watch us all melt.
Serious face. Thinking face. Chewing finger face.
This is a family of tinkers. That is the dimpled, chubby-cheeked face of a tinker.
Utter tinkerdom. Shortly before walloping mum in the face. By pure accident you understand.
TOES! I’ve just remembered about my toes.
Hanging out on the rug, practising his crawl, aiming for the leaves, throwing his giggly, gurgling laugh around.
Because when you’re happy and you know it, and you REALLY want to show it, when you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
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